and i feel that this music is a matter of livin' and dying
2011-03-24 @ 22:23:09
he made his ultimate playlist
thinking this is what i wanna listen to when the train hits
my life, i can't take it , so let me take my life
feeling alone and abandoned, mp3-player on random
that's why he took it as a sign that some kind of god thought that it wasn't his time
when he looked at the tunnel and the train that came through
he heard the first note of "the struggle continues"
that title track changed his train of thought and stepped off the train tracks
the songs, will live on, because you made them yours. made them yours
my friends, you ain't gone
forever in my thoughts
in my thoughts
and i feel that this music is a matter of livin' and dying
resten av albumet finns nu tillgängligt på spotify, det var egentligen mest det jag tänkte meddelea.
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